It's been somewhat of a rough month - for the past 4 - 5 weeks. My kids dad passed away on March 9th. Yes, that does mean he was my ex. We had been divorced for many many more years than we were married. The 1st year after we were divorced was a bit hard - a lot of anger at each other. But, we seemed to get over it for the most part and to focus on what our kids needed. I think we eventually even became friends to some degree. I'm not going to go into things - there were some good things, and some not so good.
It's a strange place to be. To be an ex - and have your children's father pass away. We obviously didn't have the relationship that we would have had were we married, but, there is still that connection, and I am deeply affected by the loss of this man. Besides, feeling for my children, I am sad, and I miss him.
This past Saturday, I went with a friend to our local "beach" it's a small pond that has been developed from the Rio Grande, for a fly fishing class! She wanted to go - I was tagging along to take photos and just to get out for a while. Well, it was 40 degrees out, and raining. We cruised by there - a few people were out fishing, but we decided to go do some other things. We ended up driving almost to the east end of the city looking for a store she wanted to go to. We finally had to call another friend to find out where this store is - about 4 more miles Nth of where we were. Finally found the store, and as we walked in, along the wall are all these wonderful flowers. Cut flowers, flowers in pots, you get the idea. Among these flowers were some orchids in 3" pots. for $8.00. Cheap for an orchid!
I scoped out the orchids, and hesitantly put one in the basket -
Now, $8.oo isn't really going to totally mess up my budget, but $8.00 for a plant is a lot of money for me to spend on a plant!!!! I almost put it back before we left the store - but, I'm happy to say, it is now sitting on my window sill!
As my friend said "sometimes you just have buy yourself a hyacinth" something one of her friends told her a long time ago.
I live on a very limited income, so it isn't often that I allow myself to buy something that is just pleasant to have. It's not a tool, not supplies, it's pretty and very pleasing! And now, to keep it alive!!!
So, I highly recomend allowing yourself to "buy a hyacinth" once in a while!