I found this pattern probably over a year ago, and have been hanging on to it waiting to find just the right material for it. It's really cool, it's about knee length in front and gets longer in back. It also gets very full at the bottom. Now, I'm sure I could find just the right material for it, but I had this idea that it would be fun to make it out of used blue jeans cut up and then pieced together!! And about now you're questioning my idea of fun, right!! Me too!!
I've taken pictures of all the pieces and the piecing process, but I won't bog this down with all of them.
The picture above is of what I pieced together to get the 1 pattern piece to the left.
Left Back
Right Front
Left Front
Right Back
And my living room is a big mess!
So I still have the sleeves to make, but I do have the back and fronts sewn together. I was going to take pictures but, honestly I have a very hard time disturbing this:
This is Jaz Cat curled up into my leg sleeping quite peacefully.
I'm thinking this would make a very cool dress!! Total material needed is 4 3/8 yd of 60" wide. I already have the buttons, so the only thing I needed was the lining (fleece-on sale) and 2 spools of thread (also on sale). So, for about $23.00 I'll have myself a "new" coat!
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Ok, I wrote the above last night, but took pictures today and here is the sewn together fronts & backs. ALL of the seams are top stitched, so it took a while to do the seams of the actual patterned pieces.
I did some measuring too, the bottom of the coat is 186" around!!!! The front is 33" long & the back is 45". The lengths will change as I finish it.
Hopefully the sleeves will get done today.
Have a great day!