The title pretty much says it all.
Well, sort of. This has been a long process to get this camera. Last year I bought my computer after being without one for 6 years. This year, I'm getting the camera finally. It's an Olympus E410 with 2 lenses. I realize there may be better cameras out there, (or at least more expensive) but I've had a hard enough time coming up with the $ for this - and I think it will do the job. Not so sure that I need a $1,000 or so camera.
So, with any luck at all, I will have pics up here soon.
My rose bush has so many blooms on it right now. It may be my 1st subject. It just sits there looking pretty, and won't complain too much or run away after I've been clicking away for several hours!
It's 5am - guess I'll go to sleep so I can get up and hopefully the UPS truck will have been here by the then.
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